It feels so good that the fall season of markets is finally going again. I have scheduled it a little less than last year, simply to keep my calendar open for showing and real estate “stuff” which most often is on the weekends.
This event is always so well organized. From beginning to end. Vicki Cortez with Forney Arts Council makes a beyond marvelous job every month. I will be there next month as well, but not the November market as it is the same day as British Bash in Terrell.
Today was so much fun. Some of my friends came out to visit and support and that made me so happy! It was very hot, especially towards the end but I was quite well prepared for it actually!
So if you missed this event, put October 12th on the calendar, that’s when the next Forney market is. That is also probably the next event for Harlequin Tea as I missed the deadline for Iron Horse Festival in Mineola next week… bad me…
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