I just don’t understand myself sometimes… looking at my schedule this week, it is absolutely IN SANE. Networking, meetings, work, you name it, I have in one way or the other successfully squeezed it in there… all in one week. It’s to the point where I have said that on Sunday, when nothing is on my calendar, I will turn off all electronics completely and do nothing.
Well, yesterday morning I was at least smart enough to schedule two one on ones in Rockwall and close to each other. But sadly, the person I was meeting in the first meeting had written it on the wrong day (tomorrow) so I had to eat my delicious Eggsquisite breakfast by myself…

I don’t eat skillets very often but this one was absolutely DELICIOUS! So freaking good!
It was close that the second meeting was going sideways as well, as me and Terri Waggoner with Fairway Mortgage was at two different Starbucks. I looked it up and Rockwall apparently have 7 different Starbucks. Seriously??? Does people drink that much expensive coffee in Rockwall? Well, we finally made it to the same location and could sit down with our drinks and we had a fun and great time!

I rarely visit Starbucks so I wonder… is it a challenge for them to spell all names wrong? Well, no biggie, just funny as it is written all over my clothes yet she didn’t see that… the drink was good though!
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