I knew already when I signed up for Terrell Jubilee that rain was going to be involved one way or the other. It’s tradition. No jubilee without rain. Either the entire week prior or the days of the event. This year it was the day of/before, Friday. I write it that way because the event was Thursday to Sunday but the vendors are only there Saturday and Sunday.
And it wasn’t little rain that came. It was flooding water down from the sky.
So of course, when I got there yesterday morning the grass was soaked. My spot, on top of it had two big mud holes in it that went up to my ankles. Not even my EMS boots could keep the water away. It was miserable. Well, thankfully I met some acquaintances from the City and they a pallet that I could put in my booth so at least I had some dry spot!

The rain stayed away all day thankfully. But it felt like the damage was already done. People didn’t feel like coming out. And if they did, they didn’t spend money. I didn’t hear one vendor say they had a good day. Sales wise my day was absolutely miserable. When I had done all the book keeping this morning the bottom line ended of + $9.66. That is the financially worst event ever with Harlequin Tea.
Events are a hit and miss. But good grief, I had so high expectations for this events and this is how it ended up… needless to say a huge disappointment. I don’t blame anyone. I think the organizers did what they could. They had moved the vendors from last year and some returning vendors said that’s why it wasn’t as good as last year. I wasn’t here so I don’t know. I say it was absolutely the weather and the iffy forecast.
So… knowing all this, I see it as a advertising and branding opportunity. I got my brand in front of a lot of people and everyone who bought something got a bag with my real estate magazine as well so when they come home they will see that as well! I talked to a lot of people and made some amazing connections with other small business owners. On one side of me I had Film Alley and their Sales & Marketing manager Grady and I had a great conversation all day! I also got to spin their wheel and won two fun cards! Whoop whoop! So looking at it from that perspective, it was good.

And as I thought of this morning… People go to a Farmers Market or similar event to shop. They bring money for that. But they go to the jubilee to spend their money on food and the carnival. They circle the vendors to see what there is, and if they find anything they really want, they think twice before buying it.
I decided early to break down my tent and bring everything with me. The forecast said rain, thunderstorm and wind over night and all day Sunday so I honestly didn’t even anticipate to come back.

And I’m glad I did. I woke up at 7 am with thunder, hard rain and wind outside my window. Thinking of everyone who left their stuff behind. They had to come back and break down in this miserable weather and I could read on Facebook that some tents had already blown away. I haven’t unpacked my car yet but it’s been raining non stop all day so I may just wait until another day… At least this years Terrell Jubilee is in the books.
My next event is Downtown Forney Market on May 11th. I really hope and pray that I can repeat and exceed the last Forney event… that would be amazing!
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