OMG!!! What a freaking weekend! Busy, crazy and fun, all at once!
Let’s start from the beginning. Friday was a shift on the ambulance. Got off work at 6 am and headed to Sonic to get ice and then to downtown and unload everything I had in my car. Nice to get it all out before everyone else gets there and it becomes a car cluster.
Headed home to feed the dogs and brew the tea. Surprisingly also had time to take a much needed shower before going back to downtown Wills Point.
Got my stuff set up. James Street is a tricky street for me, simply because the road is leaning to the sides so the water can rinse away. For me, the slightest wind makes my bags fall because it is already leaning… The wind gusts were strong at a times so I just had to lay down the bags after a while, I gave up!

I would have expected a larger crowd to be honest. I’m not complaining because I had great sales but I thought more people would get out of the house. The weather was absolutely fabulous! I had a great time with friends and other vendors!

Since I was short of time and knew that I was going to be super tired I had tried something I haven’t done since the beginning of COVID. I had made a pickup order at Brookshire’s in town. So I went by to get it. Absolutely awesome! Great service, they got all my things in my order, came quickly! And with how tired I was, it was so nice to not have to go in to the store and smile and deal with people. The girl who came with my stuff wouldn’t even let me help load the car. This is something I will do again, for sure!!!
It didn’t take long until I was heading to bed. I was beyond exhausted. Got a good night sleep but at 4am, my dog Twix thought it was time to get up because he was hungry. I also had bunch of stuff to do so up we went.
Had to restock everything I sold yesterday, create 20+ bags of tea, take stuff out of the car and back in. Do all the book keeping for the previous day etc. All that kind of fun stuff… at least if it’s been a good day. Then headed off to Terrell and Whisked Away Bakehouse!
This would turn out to be a very interesting event! People from all over the world had come in to see the Total Eclipse today. I had heard in previous meetings that hotels had reservations from Norway… thought that was quite interesting. So with that said, I had expectations to at least be able to reach customers outside Kaufman County!
And I was correct. A lot of people from out of state! And then, suddenly. A couple went by me and spoke nothing but Norwegian! So I busted out in Swedish “that’s a language I recognize”. Both of them turned around and looked strangely at me! 😂 That was not what they expected! Hilarious. We had a good chat but I didn’t get a selfie with them… stupid me! So I stole a picture I found on Facebook of them, they had spoken to someone at the Chamber…

Sales wise was a good day here as well! I got a different setup here since I am limited of space, and as well it’s like a wind tunnel so I can’t have my small test cups out nor the 1oz bags.
But Visual Arts asked if I could use two boxes kind of, which I absolutely could to elevate some bags. This gave me so much ideas to future events!!!

It was lots of people, music, vendors and food trucks. A steady stream of people. Got to talk to so many! The weather was awesome, sun shining, everyone was excited and in a good mood. I was just about to pack up when two gentlemen came and looked at my bags. I asked if they were from here or traveling. “We’re from Sweden” one of them said with a smile. I know that smile, I do it myself many times… the “do you know where that is?” smile. You would be surprised how many people doesn’t know where on this planet Sweden is located. But to his surprise, my answer became in fluent Swedish “Well then we can continue this conversation in Swedish”. The look on their faces were priceless. 😳 That was the absolute last answer they had expected. Turned out they are from the opposite side of Stockholm than where I grew up! It was so much fun to talk to them! (This time I was good and remembered a selfie…)

Two amazing days are in the books. I am glad to have two more days before going back to the ambulance. I have a lot to do still, book keeping, prepare for next weekend etc. Today I will enjoy the Eclipse this afternoon, that’s for sure. Just try to recover a little after this weekend. But I do it with a huge smile on my face!
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