Back in October I decided to get a Notary Public Commission in The State Of Texas. Initially because it is a good addition to the real estate. Even though I can’t notarize anything if I am involved in the transaction, I can help someone else with theirs. Little did I know what a big need it was for a Notary here in Wills Point.
I have not advertised a lot about my notary services as it is not my primary thing. But I put it on Google together with my real estate. And I am so glad I did. Just this week I have had 3 calls generated from just Google from people needing notarizations within the hour. Thankfully I have been home and been able to assist them.
The question I get the most is of course how much it costs to get something notarized. It is hard to tell since it depends on what you need to have notarized and how many signatures and copies there are. I follow the State Of Texas’ set prices so it is nothing I make up myself. I do add mileage ($0.67/mile) if I have to go outside Wills Point.

So if you ever need anything notarized, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I will be happy to help!
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